Latest Episodes
The Heart of the Story
In the book Rare Birds, a 12-year-old boy is dealing with the underlying dread that his mom will need a heart transplant to live....
Forging Forward in Faith
"It's been 15 years, and it still brings me comfort that something positive came out of it." Rochelle Ogbuji, Donor Mom
The Beat Goes On
Reggie & Maria Roundtree play traditional drums to educate the community. But Reggie has a special connection to the rhythm since he is a...
Grief Support Year Round
We hope you had a wonderful holiday season and spent time with those you love. We also hope you were able to honor and...
All Side of Donation
We love sharing the stories of men, women, and children receiving the gift of life and enjoying restored health. We also love to talk...
Return of the Navigator
Listen to Lee and Larry Elmore share their story of watching Lee's grandmother go blind and then learning she had the same disease.