Although not everyone meets the medical criteria to be an organ donor when they pass away, many people are able to give the life-healing and saving gift of tissue. Heart valves, bone, and cornea from tissue donors help individuals live a better life. The gift of skin is unique and is vital to the healing process of burn victims
According to the CDC, over a million Americans every year suffer from burn injuries that require medical attention, and 50,000 of those cases required hospitalization. Many patients require skin grafts to begin the healing process and depend on the generosity of tissue donors. Lifebanc Tissue Services experts Rusty Morck, Director of Tissue Services and Lisa Bennet, Tissue Training & Education Specialist explain the many uses of tissue and, specifically, donated skin.
As Jim Myers went through dialysis and the transplant experience, he noticed a gap in advocacy for kidney patients. Determined to fill that gap,...
Jennifer Ackerman loved to sing. Ever since the fourth grade, she had been part of a choir in some way. But on what was...
Dedicated staff members makes Lifebanc the success organization it is today. With experts in multiple disciplines, we turn tragedy into hope and healing. Every...