The Amazing Kini Bini

May 25, 2021 00:13:26
The Amazing Kini Bini
Let's Talk About Life
The Amazing Kini Bini

May 25 2021 | 00:13:26


Hosted By

Colleen Gerber

Show Notes

Keira was born to make a difference. At eleven years old, she was vibrant, a natural helper, and had plenty of energy. In October of 2017, Keira suffered an asthma attack and stopped breathing on the way to the hospital. Although ER doctors were able to revive her heart, her brain had gone too long without oxygen. Not even 24 hours earlier, Keira was singing and making videos on her phone; now, PICU machines kept her heart beating and her lungs functioning. Lifebanc representatives approached her parents with the opportunity to donate Keira’s organs.

Inspired by their daughter’s spirit, Kristy and Scott Christie instantly knew that donating would be the perfect way to honor her life. But, what they didn’t expect was how that decision would open doors for hope and healing.

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